Breakout symposia will be held on Friday, August 19 in morning and afternoon sessions. Zoom links will be added just prior to the meeting.
Submit a symposium abstract here for both contributed and invited talks. The abstract submission deadline to be considered for a contributed symposium talk is June 6, 2022. The deadline for abstract submissions has passed.
Afternoon Sessions (2:00 pm – 5:30 pm) | Location |
Fundamental Electro-Optical Properties of Novel Two-Dimensional Semiconductor Structures | B50 Aud. Zoom |
Correlative Imaging of Engineered Biological Materials | B70A 3377 Zoom |
Halide Perovskite Updates – From Fundamentals to Devices | B59 4102 Zoom |
Batteries and Beyond: Energy Storage to Decarbonize Buildings, Grid, and Industry | B59 3101 Zoom |